InLevel Up CodingbyNoah HsuMysql Trap when DB Read-Write Separate and Parent-Child Relationship Schema without TransactionDB replicas are essential for data-intensive systems. First, we can accelerate our performance by writing to the master and reading from…May 31, 2024May 31, 2024
InLevel Up CodingbyNoah HsuDesign an Easy-to-Test, Flexible Application with Config Server, Toggle System, and Mock ServerIn the modern software’s fast-paced environment, the ability to swiftly adapt to changing requirements and market demands is the key to…Mar 31, 2024Mar 31, 2024
InLevel Up CodingbyNoah Hsu3 Times Performance Improvement for Generative AI within a Kafka Pipeline SystemKafka pipeline system architecture with some high-latency Generative AI APIs, how to improve the performance of the entire pipelineFeb 15, 2024Feb 15, 2024
InLevel Up CodingbyNoah HsuHow to design an efficient Idempotency APIUnique Request Identifier, Placement after Auth-Filter,Nov 22, 202310Nov 22, 202310
InJavarevisitedbyNoah HsuUnleashing the Power of Event StormingA Step-by-Step Guide to Designing Event Sourcing and CQRS SystemsApr 15, 2023Apr 15, 2023
Noah Hsu系統設計白話文-優化效能篇完成了基本使用者旅程後,架構中還有很多服務會因為顧客量增加而造成等待時間很長甚至是不穩定的狀況,因此本篇加入了兩個角色來讓服務每一位顧客的時間可以縮短一些:雜物桌 (CDN) 銷售助理…Mar 18, 2023Mar 18, 2023
InJavarevisitedbyNoah HsuWhat problem can be solved by changing architecture to CQRS and Event-sourcing systemthis article will go through the pros and cons of CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) and Event-sourcing system architecture.Jan 21, 2023Jan 21, 2023
Noah Hsu系統設計白話文-使用技術元件(基本篇)前陣子有機會跟幾位需要看工程師履歷的非軟體背景朋友介紹軟體工程師的工作內容、所用技術、系統設計等履歷上常常會看到的專有名詞是什麼。為了讓他們好懂,想了一些比較生活化的例子,想一想居然也湊成一個完整的故事,想想也挺有趣的,就跟大家稍微分享一下。Jan 15, 2023Jan 15, 2023