InLevel Up CodingbyNoah HsuMysql Trap when DB Read-Write Separate and Parent-Child Relationship Schema without TransactionDB replicas are essential for data-intensive systems. First, we can accelerate our performance by writing to the master and reading from…May 31, 2024May 31, 2024
InLevel Up CodingbyNoah HsuEasier, Flexible, and Lower Resource Cost Deployment Strategies by Feature Toggleintroducing how to do Blue/Green, Canary, A/B Test or Shadow deployment by feagure toggle with OpenFeature specSep 27, 2023Sep 27, 2023
Noah HsuHow to solve Java client “unable to find valid certification path to requested target”This article will share the solution for a common error that Java developers would encounter when they are trying to integrate some…Jan 18, 2023Jan 18, 2023
Noah HsuSpring JPA trap for camel case table field name.there is a trap if use the “Spring JPA” to generate a SQL statement with camel case field. I’ll show the problem I meet and how to solve…Jan 15, 20234Jan 15, 20234